Welcome to VinMabel Foundation

VinMabel Health Foundation is geared toward combating comprehensive health problems through fighting hunger, education, providing health insurance, building/renovating,and equipping health centers in the rural areas.
We are bringing better health care centers, Extending palliative to alleviate hardships on the vulnerable. We give financial Empowerment to less privileged people in third world/developing countries to start petty trading , especially in Africa.
We are investing in women mostly. Investing in women is key to ending hunger and poverty, and it’s at the very center of our community development approach.

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Meet our Founder/Directors

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Less fortunate people need your help. Share your blessings.

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Photo Gallery

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senior couple smiling

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Please help us advocate for the people we care for. Help us change lives.

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We need more hands to help us care for the people we serve. Volunteer today!

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Our Commitment Mission Statement

VinMabel Foundation’s mission is to help individuals and families in need to thrive and achieve a better quality of life by bringing people and organizations who are passionate about making a difference in the community.

About Us
people gathered for outreach